I would like to introduce you a special cat. She was recently found by someone on the streets but the person who found her couldn’t keep her so she needed help. As you can see she looks a little different than a normal cat. She is missing one of her lips.
Yesterday we made a visit at the vet and seems that are two possibilities – either she was born like this, either she had an accident when she was much younger but the good new is that no intervention is needed she can like like this. She can eat very well and she is such a loving cat. I don’t know what is her story maybe she was born as a stray, maybe someone abandoned her because of the way she looks. But this is not important any more, the most important thing is that she is safe now. I am sure she will find a loving family after she will be ready to be adopted. I will keep you updated about her evolution, right now she is separate with the other cats until she receives her deworming and vaccines and of course she will be neutered.