She is one of the feral cats that I took in my care lately. She was trapped to be spayed but she remained in my care as the area where she was coming from was not safe at all for her. When she was spayed the vet discovered a bad infection of her uterus (thing that happen to female cats that are not spayed. If she wouldn’t have been trapped to be spayed she would have died in a short time because of the infection.
She is in my foster care since February. She is still shy even though she allows me to touch her a little now. She is here in a cage and not in the foster room with the other cats because a health problem appeared all of a sudden. She started to refuse to eat, she started to vomit often also with some blood. The blood tests are fine, she received many treatments but she is still not so well. She is eating too little so the vet recommended for an Endoscopy to be done make sure all is fine on the inside. So tomorrow we made an appointment at a special vet and an Endoscopy will be done to her.
Now I have to make her some injections. One is a medicine against vomiting and the other one is an antibiotics. I have decided together with the vet that I should do this at home as she is getting too much stressed when we go at the vet for this and she shouldn’t stress too much in her situation. The only way to make her the injections is to put a towel on her head and this way she stays. She is arguing with me but in a way she know these medicines help her so she stays.