I have taken another feral cat inside. I have now in my care 5 feral rescued cats. A few weeks ago I was trying to trap a scared kitten who seemed abandoned. Unfortunately I spotted the kitten just once, and he never returned. I placed the trap cage and when I checked it I found another cat inside, a cat that was very dirty and wet as it was a rainy day .
Initially I thought is was a young kitten as he is not a big cat. The second day I took him a the vet for a check and also for him to be castrated and he turned out to be an adult cat, not so young, he is around 7 years old. He is not a friendly cat. I decided to give him a chance so he can stay here until I will find him a home as the area where he was trapped is not safe at all.
Now is is dewormed, vaccinated, castrated and he got out of the quarantine. He is a cat who doesn’t require much, he is sleeping most of the time and eating, and I think he is happy he is finally in a safe place and he has good food. I know he might wait much longer to be adopted than the other friendly cats but he can stay here for as long as is needed. Most of the people are afraid to adopt unfriendly cats but they also deserve our love and care. Even though they don’t always want our cuddles this doesn’t mean they don’t love us in their way.
Unfortunately many feral cats are forgotten and I think we should give them more attention. What can each of us do for the feral cats? We can start by giving food and water to the feral cats that live in our neighbourhoods. If we don’t have the experience or the space of taking care of a feral cat, we can trap-neuter-return them. We can also provide them some comfy sleeping places and there are so many ways of doing this. Of course, if we have a little space we can try taking some inside and try to socialise them. But always be careful as some feral cats can be aggressive at the start so always let them accustom in their own rhythm, never force a feral cat to stay for cuddles. So we can always find some ways to help the feral cats also as they need us too.