The long waited moment has arrived. My foster cats left to their homes, they are all fine and happy with their new families. One more cat remained in the room, Richie the old and ill cat with a tumor in his mouth.
On short, Richie was a feral cat and he was rescued about two years ago in terrible condition. Nobody thought that he would make it but he decided to fight and to live. He is not a friendly cat he is like feral just that he is living indoors. Now it was the moment for a little renovation in the room so I decided to try again to accustom him with my cats. I tried this one year ago but it didn’t work. All that he had to accept was to move behind this door.
So I let the door open and I was surprised to see that in less than 5 minutes Richie was already outside the room. He started to follow me around the house but of course he was keeping his safety distance. He finally decided to stay out of the foster room. I let the door opened for two days and he didn’t step back in. And the biggest surprise of all was that he let me touch him like this for the first time since he is here. He is definitely much more happier outside of the room.