Sam, the Luckiest Cat of The Internet03:27

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I found Sam hit by car lying on the street with blood at his mouth. I rushed with him at the closest veterinary hospital where was put immediately under fluids and on an intense treatment. His body temperature was low and the vet didn’t know if he would make it. He needed to stay in a worm place for a while. As soon as his body temperature came back to normal he was able to stand.

Next day, after more investigations, the vets discovered a bad mandibular fracture. This was the reason why he was not able to eat. The surgery would have been too complicated and traumatic for him so the vet decided to choose the slow healing without any intervention. He was allowed to eat only liquid food for one month.

First weeks I had to him food by syringe but slowly he started to eat by himself. Soon another problem was discovered. He couldn’t walk with one paw and after some investigations the vet discovered some bones fractures. He was lucky once again as this could be fixed with a special bandage that he needed to wear for thee weeks. He wasn’t too happy about this but in a way I think he understood this was the best for him. After 3 weeks to use his leg.

When I first met Sam, in the worst moments of his life, I made him a promise. I promised him that everything was going to be fine. And I needed to keep my promise. As you can see in the video, Sam is doing excellent now, he is totally healed. In a few days he is going to travel to his new home. A new and beautiful life is waiting for him. Actually the GOOD life that he deserves!

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