He is Brino, in case you didn’t watch the other videos with him he was a feral cat who needed help and I took him inside. He was a very shy cat, at the beginning I couldn’t touch him at all, he had so much fear that he was even afraid with the other cats from the foster room. He spent a lot of time in this cage even though the door was always open. He felt safe inside so he was refusing to step outside the cage. It took time, a lot of time for things to change for him.
The other cats in the room are the ones who helped him get over all this fear. Especially his two good girlfriends who spent a lot of time with him in the cage and who helped him to become more trustful.
After a while he started to let me touch him but he was still extremely tensed and he was always ready to scratch me. Slowly but surely he started to get out of his cage. He started to accept all the cats from the room and his fear to go away.
His evolution is very big, is like he is a totally different cat now. He is walking relaxed through the room, he is playing, he is very communicative and I can touch him sometimes and he started to like it.
The best news of all is that a family is already waiting for him to go home! Very soon he will meet his new family who totally understand the way he is and who will give him all the time that he needs to become even more trustful than he is now. So my job with him is almost done, soon he will change the foster room with a forever home and a beautiful life is waiting for him.
Pets & Animals